
Our multispecialty team provides comprehensive cerebral palsy care throughout a patient’s lifespan.



Our specialists are dedicated to improving function in children and adults with cerebral palsy. We are the only interdisciplinary clinic in Los Angeles that evaluates and treats patients with cerebral palsy throughout their entire lives.


Multispecialty护理: 我们的团队包括 矫形外科医生,  介入脊柱护理专家, 护士, 社会工作者, 物理治疗师和 神经外科医生. 我们还与……密切合作 神经学 and developmental pediatrics and can refer patients to additional services as needed through the vast 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 network.

联合决策: 我们强调能力胜过残疾. Our specialists involve patients in the decision-making process, helping them set and meet goals.

研究重点: Our research involvement allows us to offer patients groundbreaking new treatments. All patients receive care from professionals who are at the top of their field, 符合条件的患者可以获得临床试验治疗.

创新发展: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 physicians continually improve evaluation tools and treatment options. 例如, our team developed a clinical assessment called Selective Control Assessment of the Lower Extremity (SCALE). This tool helps evaluate selective voluntary motor control in patients with spastic cerebral palsy.



Our cerebral palsy specialists care for patients in several outpatient settings. 护理领域包括:



鲁斯金儿童骨科研究所 在洛杉矶: 我们在这个地方评估21岁以下的儿童和年轻人.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心: This location is a lifespan clinic where we evaluate and treat patients of all ages.

Our specialists comprehensively evaluate patients and set goals for treatment. A new patient appointment includes a biomechanical assessment and consultations with: 

  • 矫形外科医生
  • 物理医学和康复专家
  • 物理治疗师

After we develop a treatment plan, we may offer additional referrals to subspecialists, including:


Each patient visits the 卡梅隆步态和运动分析实验室 for a full assessment of their movement abilities. This gait analysis gives our cerebral palsy specialists an in-depth understanding of movement patterns to help guide treatment plans.

步态分析可能需要长达三个小时. 它可能包括:

  • 临床检查 测量肌肉力量,柔韧性和运动控制
  • 肌电图(EMG)这是一种测量肌肉和神经功能的诊断测试
  • 力板, tools that measure the force your body exerts on the ground when walking, 以任何方式平衡或移动的
  • 运动分析 测量关节运动和行走速度
  • 耗氧量测定 来计算走路需要多少能量
  • 视频分析 记录你在没有任何辅助设备的情况下走路时的步态


脑瘫(CP)是一种发育障碍. 每年大约有1万名儿童出生时患有CP. It is the most common childhood motor disability in the United States, 受影响约764人,000名儿童和成人. 脑瘫是在胎儿发育期间发生脑损伤时发展起来的, 出生时或出生后不久的, 或者在婴儿期.

每个病人的CP看起来都不一样. 取决于脑损伤的位置和程度, 有些人几乎没有明显的症状, while others have symptoms that significantly affect their daily function. 一般来说,CP会影响:

  • 平衡与协调
  • 呼吸和饮食
  • 知识的能力
  • 学习能力
  • 电机控制
  • 言语和语言
  • 愿景


并非所有脑瘫患者都需要持续治疗. 许多患有这种疾病的人去上学, work and social activities without any need for medical intervention. 其他人则受益于治疗,以增加儿童的活动能力, and some may need ongoing treatment for muscle stiffness (spasticity).

Our orthopaedic team offers treatments to improve movement function, including:  

增加流动性的工具: We may offer a variety of noninvasive treatments to improve mobility and overall function. Wearing braces or using adaptive equipment such as walking aids or wheelchairs may be an effective treatment.

物理治疗: Patients may work with a physical therapist to increase strength, flexibility and motor control. 物理治疗通常包括办公室治疗, 同时还要在家里完成一套规定的练习.

骨科手术: 当孩子成长的时候, they should be followed by an orthopaedic surgeon to monitor their bone and joint development, 以及肌肉和运动功能. 这取决于孩子的步态和骨骼发育, 我们可能会建议手术来延长肌肉或肌腱, 改善骨骼排列或矫正骨骼畸形.


口服药物: 我们通常以口服药物开始治疗. Many different medications help reduce spastic movements that interfere with daily functions.

肉毒杆菌毒素,如Botox®和Dysport® is injected directly into spastic muscles to weaken them by block­ing transmission between the nerve and the muscle. 当只有少数肌肉痉挛时,这种方法效果最好. 例子 include injection into the calf to decrease toe walking or the hamstrings to improve upright walking. It is used when full range of motion is present and is not effective when the joint cannot move due to a shortened muscle (contracture). The desired effects of botulinum toxin injections usually last four to six months, but it can cause long-term scarring and weakness that does not resolve after that time. While the injections may be repeated, we try to use this treatment very sparingly.

鞘内巴氯芬泵: A surgeon places a small battery-operated pump underneath the skin on the patient’s trunk. This pump delivers a medication called baclofen to the fluid around the spinal cord, 哪一种能放松肌肉,缓解痉挛. The pump works best for patients who have spasticity affecting many muscles. It requires periodic clinic visits to refill the pump with medication.

选择性后根切断术: During this procedure, a neurosurgeon cuts a portion of the sensory nerves in the spinal cord. This removes the communication signals in the nerves that are causing spasticity. This treatment is often an effective option for children who can walk but have a lot of spasticity in their legs. It also may be beneficial for patients who don’t walk but have spasticity that interferes with comfort, 定位与护理.

深部脑刺激: This surgery is a treatment for some patients who have spasticity along with involuntary movements (dystonia, 舞蹈病, 手足动症或舞蹈症). A neurosurgeon implants a generator inside the chest and places electrodes in the brain. The generator sends small pulses to the electrodes to correct the brain activity that’s causing irregular movements.


我们的团队提供全方位的脑瘫护理. 我们治疗病人的整个生命周期, offering a range of therapies that increase quality of life and well-being. 










玛西亚格林伯格MS, PT, KEMG




迈克尔·奥哈拉, LCSW




洛雷塔一. 学生PT, MS









呼叫 424-259-6593 to request an appointment with a cerebral palsy specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


我们照顾脑瘫患者的各个生命阶段. 想了解更多关于脑瘫治疗的信息,请致电 424-259-6593.